Wife Skills:

1. The skills associated with being a wife that men appreciate and look for when selecting a woman to marry.

2. The skills that will lead you to great success when transitioning from single and sassy to married and classy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wife Skill 1: Self Health

"You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy." Author unknown.

Being healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually is the foundation for a successful and strong marriage. When a wife is mentally and physically healthy, she is capable of doing the best work with her talents and expertise. No partnership is perfect, and with that said no one person is as well. However, having the strength to overcome obstacles as they come results in more triumphs and successions of hard times than complicated divorces. I recently read an article that helped me to understand more about the value of this skill and the benefits it has onto its masters.


Part 1: Mental Health

In the past I've been told my lack of confidence was a turn off. I wondered how I could be more confident. Was it the way I walked that gave off that vibe? Was my voice not sincere? Truthfully, I didn't believe I was worth much, and others felt the same because of the pathetic attitude I had towards myself. By not taking responsibility where I needed to, often blaming others to prove I was "right", I've carried guilt, resentments, and the weight of the world on my shoulders. Often on the defense, it was hard for any boyfriend of mine to have a conversation with me without it escalating into the fight of the century. The long face I'd wear on the streets was a dead give away of my lack of self esteem. If I couldn't be secure with myself, why would anyone else? By not working on being perfect I'm learning to express gratitude rather than attitude to others, particularly the men in my life.

Part 2: Physical Health

"The majority of men like all girls, thin, fat or in between. The thing is, it is harder to be slim than it is to be fat. You must work for it, live the lifestyle necessary to achieve it. Therefore, it is something a woman has worked to achieve which gives it merit. Working to make herself attractive has given her confidence. Confidence is attractive. Men are socially conditioned to prefer thin women. But, I firmly believe that if a heavy woman lives life well, cooks as well as she eats, is active and happy, then she should have no problem landing a good man," said Chris, member of the WikiPedia community.

Working on your fitness doesn't necessarily require a personal trainer, gym membership, yoga class, or even a bow flex system, though these do help.
Rather, the AHA (American Hearth Association) recommends for healthy women under 65:

Do moderately intense cardio (ex. brisk walking) 30 minutes a day, five days a week
Do vigorously intense cardio (ex. jogging) 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week
Do eight to 10 strength-training exercises, eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week

And don't forget about eating healthy too! Lack of nutrients can make you feel exhausted, irritable, and even depressed. Check out MyPyramid for healthy eating guidelines, and personalized eating plans.


Part 3: Spiritual Health

Stress Management is an important part of one's health, as well one's intimate relationships. Often I have witnessed too many heated arguments arise amongst couples due to personal frustrations carried over from triggers outside the relationship. Its safe to say anxiety can get the best of one's relationship and thinking if it is not controlled. I recently began dating this amazing guy and he let me know right off the bat his prior relationship involved a lot of bickering, arguments, and unnecessary fights didn't care to be in another one like that. It's pretty universal; men don't want to date, marry, or be around a you know what. That I know first hand.

I'll be the first to call myself out and admit I was the above term. Because I would fail to address my stress about a particular situation or person at the time it would come up, often stuffing it or letting it stew instead, my anxiety was at a constant high and an ex boyfriend would sadly the scapegoat. My mom recalls one ex being treated worse than an abused puppy who'd been repeatedly hit over the head. It sounds so awful but the truth is I hadn't been aware of it at the time because my thinking had been unclear and wrapped in worries. Blowing feelings off, drowning sorrows, or running away from them all together were coping skills for me. Thankfully I recently had the opportunity to learn new ways to manage my stress that have greatly improved my social interactions, as well as provide me with a more pleasant attitude towards my current love interest and men in general.

Through prayer and meditation I am able to progress spiritually and change my attitude towards a situation or others. By chanting a positive mantra I am able to focus better, and reinforce a new way of thinking that is pleasant and peaceful. Its a great way for me re-evaluate my feelings and gain perspective, insight, and acceptance. By learning to control my thoughts and for them to not control me, my anxieties are not driving my reactions. This is something I have been practicing daily and still am struggling with, but already the benefits are materializing.

Spirituality can be a hard concept to grasp. I had read an article in The Oprah Magazine that helped me to understand it better. The link to the article is below, and I encourage you to check it out- the suggestions given to a better spiritual connection are worth trying and are easy to get into!


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