Wife Skills:

1. The skills associated with being a wife that men appreciate and look for when selecting a woman to marry.

2. The skills that will lead you to great success when transitioning from single and sassy to married and classy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wife Skill 3: Organization

Not to say men are unorganized, but typically they depend on their lady for keeping things neat and in order around the house. "Men are sloppy. After working an eight hour day on the job we don't want to return home only to spend another eight hours looking for something we need around the house," said Mike, a newly married and good friend of mine.

Mike makes a great point that even I can relate to. Many times I have found myself cursing around the house out of frustration because I can't find the pair of pants I've just washed, only to realize an hour or two later my dresser drawers had swallowed them. "Because my wife returns things to where they are supposed to be, as well as in clear sight, an unnecessary and stressful argument is avoided," Mike added. Keeping the home stress free is important and a wife having organization skills aids in doing so.

"Its also important to not go from one extreme to another," said Mike. "No one likes a pack rat. Thank God my wife doesn't suffer from hoarder-ism because I find that to be just as irritating as someone who is messy. Organizing means simplicity. So if you like to keep pictures and doodles designate only one or two boxes for those items, please." When paying bills keep it simple too. "Say I pay a bill for February. I file the bill and come March's statement I replace the old with the new so important papers can be found easier," said Lisa, Mike's wife. "What isn't necessary to be kept should be thrown away. Holding onto every receipt and note is, in a way, holding onto the past, and only perpetuates a packed and overwhelming future," Lisa added.
My mother always told me that as soon as a bill comes in it's best to pay it right away. However, suprises do happen, as well as sometimes it can be a real rough month financially. Having a seperate calander from appointments to organize important dates, like license renewals and bill cycles, can be helpful when preparing a budget for the months to come. Having a designated spot for new mail also is key so that bills and other important pieces of mail don't get lost.

There is so much to organize; from bills, closets, drawers, and pantrys. I found a great website that has tips, ideas, and other resources to help, check it out:

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